AHK-Cu is a short peptide with the sequence: Ala-His-Lys-Cu. Linked to a copper molecule, AKCU is a type of copper peptide that may work as a potential treatment for hair loss, as research on animals has shown.
Research shows that the peptide AHK-Cu[i] has powerful effects on fibroblasts, the cells responsible for the health and growth of the extracellular matrix. Fibroblasts also help to promote the growth and maintenance of blood vessels in the body. Currently, scientists are studying this peptide through animal and laboratory models to gain a deeper understanding of AHK CU effects on skin health and hair growth.
AHK Cu affects various cellular processes in the body by transforming growth factor beta-1 and increasing VEGF levels. By doing this, AHK-cu activates fibroblasts, resulting in the production of collagen and elastin, the two molecules that influence skin tone and texture.
According to studies, these fibroblasts combined with endothelial cells work together to improve skin flexibility, lessen fine lines and wrinkles, and promote wound healing, as research in animals has shown.
In a study using lab-grown mice skin cells, research shows that ahk cu can enhance collagen type 1 production by 300%. That’s a significant boost that can lead to some remarkable results.
As we age, our skin becomes more prone to wrinkling, and our hair becomes thinner and weaker. Nowadays, everybody is looking for that elixir of youth to keep us looking young and feeling youthful. And it’s one of the reasons researchers are desperate to uncover more information about AHK-Cu peptide. Known for its hair-stimulating and skin-anti-aging benefits, this skincare peptide offers impressive results, as research on animals has shown.
Scientific studies show that AHK CU is a powerful hair growth component. And it affects hair loss in two different ways.
The first way AHK-cu affects hair loss is by promoting the growth of blood vessels through VEGF stimulation[ii]. Blood vessels are crucial to provide nutrients to hair follicles. Insufficient blood vessels, on the other hand, can result in hair loss.
Animal studies show that ahk-cu results in improved blood flow to existing hair follicles, as well as the growth of new hair follicles. By encouraging the growth of blood vessels, ahk cu peptide keeps the hair strong, healthy, and long.
The other way it affects hair loss is by down-regulating dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hormone involved in male pattern baldness and general hair thinning in both genders. According to research, AHK-cu can reduce the impact of DHT and prevent hair follicles from experiencing stress that may lead to hair loss.
DHT is the number one cause of male and female hair loss. By preventing the body’s testosterone from being converted into DHT, AHK-cu copper peptide keeps the hair strong and healthy as research on animals has shown.
In addition to preventing hair loss, AHK-Cu can also stimulate hair growth and thickness. AHK cop peptide plays a significant role in generating new hair growth by increasing the follicle size of the hair and stimulating blood flow to the scalp.
In order for hair to thrive, adequate blood flow is needed to give the follicles the oxygen and nutrients needed to nourish the hair. With age comes diminished blood flow, contributing to hair loss. AHK-cu stimulates the capillaries under the scalp to support hair follicles and ensure healthy blood circulation in the scalp.
Research also shows that ahkcu peptide[iii] can extend the life of the hair growth phase. The hair has 1-3 hair growth cycles: anagen, catagen, or telogen. Anagen is the growth phase that lasts between 3-5 years, and it’s this phase that ahk-cu both triggers and extends.
The copper peptide AHK-Cu is regularly found in skin care products like sunscreen and lotions. Recent studies in animal models indicate that this peptide is a potent stimulator of collagen synthesis.
Collagen is a vital component in the skin, needed to maintain elasticity and overall youthfulness. It has several important effects, including providing structure to the skin and making it tighter and firmer. Collagen also attracts water, which leads to hydrated cells and the reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Several scientific studies show the effects ahk cu has on making the skin look younger and healthier.
AHK-Cu is not FDA-approved. That is why it is only available to buy if you are a licensed researcher with the intension of using ahk-cu for research purposes only.
Scientists consider it a safe and virtually side-effect-free peptide. In rare cases, topical use of AHK Cu can lead to redness and itching of the skin, as research on animals has shown. With further research, scientists will be able to gather a more comprehensive outlook of its profile and safety record. Once this happens, it may be legalized for consumption too.
AHK-Cu, also known as a copper peptide, is a short peptide with three amino acids attached to a copper molecule (Ala-His-Lys-Cu) that exists in most mammals’ blood, including humans. It has unique properties that make it advantageous for research purposes, especially in the fields of hair loss prevention and skin aging treatment. AHK-Cu is known to facilitate the growth and development of cells in the blood vessels and stimulate the production of another peptide called the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF).
This production of new blood cells aids in supplying blood to structures such as skin and hair follicles, thereby stimulating their development. Moreover, AHK-Cu impacts Growth Factor Beta-1 and VEGF, leading to the activation and development of body cells called fibroblasts, which contribute to the production of elastin and collagen, essential constituents of skin layers and blood vessels.