Which Oil base is best to Inject Steroids ?
Best Oils To Use When Injecting Steroids Therapy
Which Type Of Oil Should You Be Injecting Steroids Therapy With?
We are writing to inform you of the latest development in Steroids administration. For those of you that don’t know, there are three oil bases used in Steroids compounding: sesame seed oil, cottonseed oil, and grapeseed oil. All three of these are different when it comes to the inflammatory response they can cause in our bodies. We at MHI have been typically prescribing Steroids in grapeseed oil due to its low viscosity and inflammatory response. Please note, the more inflammation, the more water retention you will experience. So let’s discuss the three base types of oils used in Steroids and the newest one on the block: “MCT” oil base.

Cottonseed Oil
This oil base is used in 99% of all Steroids brand names. It is the most inflammatory of all the oils. Cottonseed is not food nor a substance that is truly recognized by our bodies, hence our body’s negative response. It is well known that cottonseed oil can cause health problems like infertility, liver damage, pregnancy problems, respiratory distress, and anorexia to name a few, all while being far more expensive than the compounded versions. For these reasons we certainly find this oil base to be the least desirable option.
Sesame Seed Oil
This oil is the most commonly used by compounding pharmacies. With the years we’ve seen that, by default, compounding pharmacies use this base unless requested otherwise. We reckon this has to do with production and cost. In terms of its inflammatory response we find this oil base to be in 2nd place.

Grapeseed Oil
In regards to overall health, this seed extract provides the body with many health benefits like improved blood flow, can reduce oxidative damage, and reduction of blood pressure. Mainly though, we know this oil-base is the least inflammatory injectable oil in the industry which is why we make it our default choice on all our Steroids prescriptions. Though now, a new oil has found the spotlight – Medium Chain Triglycerides oil or “MCT oil”.
MCT Oil & Steroids Therapy Injections
This oil is the most commonly used by compounding pharmacies. With the years we’ve seen that, by default, compounding pharmacies use this base unless requested otherwise. We reckon this has to do with production and cost. In terms of its inflammatory response we find this oil base to be in 2nd place.

MCT Oil & Steroids Therapy Injections
MCT oil not only has potent anti-inflammatory properties but also has antimicrobial and antifungal effects. In food, MCT oil has been shown to support weight and fat loss. Moreover, MCT oil can also increase the production of heart-protective HDL or “good” cholesterol. It can even significantly reduce C-reactive protein (CRP), which is an inflammatory marker that increases the risk of heart disease. MCT oil is easy to absorb and use, it offers the digestive system a break and is often a fantastic choice for those who struggle with digestive problems, fat absorption, or lack a gallbladder. Judging from the results we’ve seen with our patients this is our preferred oil base for injectable Steroids administration.